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Lesson 4 Assignments

Lesson 4 Assignments

Q Please type the question and then type your answer below it. You must reply in full sentences using proper grammar and spelling. Put your name and assignment name/number on the top of the submitted assignment. Also, number the questions and identify the chapter. Answer the following questions for Lesson #4's Assignment Chapter 7: 1. Cite several societal contributors to the incidence of incest today. 2. Describe the three patterns of father-daughter incest. 3. Can mothers in families supporting father-daughter incest be held responsible for the abuse? Why or why not? What are these mothers like? 4. Why would a father abuse his son? What effect would this relationship have on the son? 5. Under what conditions does a mother abuse her son? 6. Which variables explain the degree of trauma caused by incest perpetuated by uncles, grandfathers and cousins? Chapter 8: 1. What might make a child vulnerable to being abused outside of the family? What new threats are there? 2. What causes pedophiles to be interested in children? In what ways might a pedophile engage a child in sexual activities? 3. What is a pederast? On whom do pederasts prey? What types of pederast are there? 4. What is child pornography? What efforts have been made to curb it? 5. What are some similarities and differences between male and female child prostitutes? What types of prostitute are there? Chapter 9: 1. How can psychological maltreatment be defined? 2. What are the components of psychological abuse? 3. How does society set the stage for emotional abuse or neglect? 4. What symptoms do psychologically abused or neglected children demonstrate? 5. What is meant by ritual abuse? What is the impact from this?

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CJSA 2331 Child Abuse Prevent/Invest Lesson 4 Chapter 7: 1. Cite several societal contributors to the incidence of incest today. Answer 1. Identified determinants of child abuse included exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV), justifying wife beating, exposure to generational IPV, and such factors as younger age of the women, male sex, partners’ lower education, poverty, residence in urban areas, younger children, and residence in households with 3 - 5 children.,residence%20in%20households%20with%203%20%2D